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Travel blog by Nancy Riegle
WORLD OF endless
Welcome to my blog! If you are new here you are in for a happy treat as I am new to the blogosphere as well. What I hope to do is share my love of travel with my loving husband "G" and our dogs, Gigi and Chance when travel permits to share with you my experiences. I'm N., by the way. G and I have traveled the world (almost) and I am excited to revisit some great destinations with a set of fresh eyes to give you a balanced review of the cuisine and wine G and I enjoy so much along the way.

We started 2023 with our love of St. Barts, so my first column is to introduce to you this popular, repeat destination of ours where we typically stayed for 2 weeks over the Christmas holidays or to refresh your memory for those who've been and love the island as much as we do! I hope to be able to bring to life for you the outstanding scenic views, rich culture and arts, diverse cuisines and yes wines and spirits that make each destination memorable in mind, heart and palate.

To give you a little bit of my travel style I share a look back at the last trip before COVID slammed our world. G and I spent the holidays three years ago in Thailand staying in Bangkok and Koh Samui, trading city for beach to mix the trip up. While in Bangkok, I admit I fell smitten to a little backpack purse that had Snoopy and Woodstock characters all over it. It came in several colors and at the time I thought we would probably see them everywhere if I wanted to get one. Time flew by and it wasn't until we got to Koh Samui that I decided I really wanted one in earnest. I mean REA:LLY! As I casually looked while we occasionally shopped, there were none to be found. On our last day I was pretty frantic so patient G drove me to the only shopping plaza to look. As luck would have it there was the same store I saw in Bangkok that had ONE backpack left. I am pleased to say I am the proud owner of the last gold backpack sporting Snoopy and Woodstock and to this day I am stopped everywhere by men and women to ask where I got it. Thailand of course! Yes the journey is about finding new treasures, as well.

Ah the memories… but now with some travel restrictions loosening up G and I are back on the plane exploring new destinations, cuisines and most importantly wines! I am ready to share what the world has to offer to you and hope you too can enjoy some surf and vine of your own soon!

So sit back and let me take you on your next adventure!
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